What is Your Definition of Success?
I once heard Arianna Huffington say that it’s time to stop bragging about how many hours we work, and how exhausted we are. She believes it’s time to redefine success*, taking it beyond money and power, to include well-being, wisdom, and wonder. I couldn’t agree more with this definition of success.
Success to me is also working with fully engaged clients and giving back to my community, in the form of teaching and mentorship.
Finally, I feel successful when I live my life on purpose.
My purpose is to empower people to soar beyond their horizons. I have this written all over my office. Whether it is my mail carrier, the grocery store clerk I see regularly, or my young daughter, I strive to empower them to soar. If I am doing this in my family, my community, this country, and the world, I am achieving what I consider to be success.
In the video below, I share with you more of my definition of success.
(You can watch more clips of my interview with Cornell University on my YouTube channel)
Are you able to define your version of success? Can you name three distinct signs that indicate your success? I am so interested to hear.
Let’s share experiences. Leave a comment below, send me an email, or find me on Twitter.